I don't see why openSUSE keys should be in the Ubuntu keyserver. Look through the openSUSE documentation, I'm sure they'll have steps to get the key. – muru Sep 9 '14 at 20:58 W: GPG error: download.opensuse.org Release: The following signatures could not be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9A5EED8CBCA00D90

Podman is a daemonless container engine for developing, managing, and running OCI Containers on your Linux System. Containers can either be run as root or in rootless mode. Packman offers various additional packages for openSUSE, especially but not limited to multimedia related applications and libraries that are on the openSUSE Build Service application blacklist. It's the largest external repository of openSUSE packages. Packman is comprised of the following four repositories: Mar 05, 2018 · You can choose openSUSE Leap or SUSE Enterprise Server instead of Ubuntu, and Fedora is also on its way. There are some limitations here. This doesn’t yet support background server software, and it won’t officially work with graphical Linux desktop applications . Well, you are comparing two similar things, but the taste, and the conclusion may differ for both of us. Advantages of a Linux Mint User over OpenSUSE: 1. I find Linux Mint’s community (combined with ubuntu’s community) way better than OpenSUSE’s.

Ubuntu offers a great, easy to use Linux distribution. openSUSE remains a mature ‘distribution’ that allows users to use whatever desktop environment or technologies they want on their system

Compared to Ubuntu, the learning curve of openSUSE is a bit steeper. If you’re completely new to Linux, then getting a grasp of openSUSE may require more effort compared to Ubuntu. All you need is just put a bit more focus and effort.

Ubuntu is an open source software operating system that runs from the desktop, to the cloud, to all your internet connected things.

Mar 07, 2018 · Ubuntu will be the comfortable pick for users of Debian-style distributions (like Mint), while users with more experience using RPM-based distributions may pick Fedora or SUSE. For example, Ubuntu uses the apt command to install software, while SUSE uses zypper and Fedora uses dnf.