Since 2001, VFEmail has provided businesses and end-users a quick and convenient way to ensure their own security when it comes to email. VFEmail scans each complete email, including attachments, for viruses and Spam before it gets to your INBOX.

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Email privacy - Wikipedia

Gmail. Includes private messaging features. Wonderful spam protection. Gives you 15 GB of space …

Jun 25, 2018 · One of the most private email communication systems consists in using Tor or a VPN to connect to a free webmail service and encrypt the messages yourself with PGP, this method gives you privacy and anonymity. Thunderbird+Enigmail, or GPG4Win can do that and it won’t cost you a cent, the problem is the time and learning curbe it takes to do this. Jul 16, 2020 · Hushmail helps you communicate privately and efficiently with your clients, using encrypted email, secure web forms, and electronic signatures. Hushmail is designed for teams of all sizes, and it's easy to set up and use. You can send your first encrypted email today, and set up a secure online form in minutes.