Presearch, The Decentralized Search Engine Announces Crowdsale

A Decentralized Solution. Faroo is a decentralized web search engine which offers full encryption to protect the privacy of its users. It has a distributed crawler and index which makes it strongly resistant to any form of censorship. Search engines have been an inseparable element of the Web. Contemporary (“Web 2.0”) search engines, however, provide centralized services. They are thus subject to DDoS attacks, insider threat, and ethical issues like search bias and censorship. As the web moves from being centralized to being decentralized, search engines ought to follow. Feb 08, 2018 · BitClave is a decentralized search engine built with blockchain to protect user privacy. This search tool empowers consumers by allowing them to choose what info they share with advertisers. BitClave eliminates middlemen in the advertising process, by making the contract directly between the user and advertisers.

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Presearch is a decentralized search engine,

Decentralized search engine, powered by the community. Crypto Presearch is an open, decentralized search engine that rewards community members with Presearch Tokens for their usage, contribution to, and promotion of the platform.

Decentralized search engine, powered by the community. Crypto Presearch is an open, decentralized search engine that rewards community members with Presearch Tokens for their usage, contribution to, and promotion of the platform. [1809.00939] Decentralized Search on Decentralized Web