Type of Computer Viruses (Names and Definitions

Type of Computer Viruses (Names and Definitions On running the programs, the virus would be activated, then be able to carry out its damaging effects. Most of the existing viruses are in this category. Boot viruses: This virus infects the hard disk’s or floppy drive’s boot sector. This would make the computer unable to boot. First Known Computer Virus. What is the most damaging computer virus you can get Dec 07, 2008 "WannaCry" ransomware attack losses could reach $4 billion May 16, 2017 Top 10 most dangerous viruses in the world | Science| In

Feb 22, 2016

"WannaCry" ransomware attack losses could reach $4 billion May 16, 2017 Top 10 most dangerous viruses in the world | Science| In

Five of the Most Harmful Computer Viruses in 2018 (So Far)

10 Most Damaging Computer Virus - Viral Mojos Most Damaging Computer Virus MyDoom (2004) MyDoom also called, as Novarg is a computer virus that had clogged networks and had allowed unauthorized access to pc. The virus was also spread to file sharing networks and was able to open "back door" to computers. CHAPTER 9 Flashcards | Quizlet The most financially damaging cybercrime affecting individuals is _____. A virus signature is a portion of virus code that is unique to a particular computer virus. TRUE. Currently, there are no antivirus programs for mobile devices. FALSE. An encryption virus replicates itself onto a … The Most Damaging Computer Viruses Ever – supportz Every year, cyber criminals invent ever more sophisticated computer viruses intent on inflicting chaos across thousands of PCs, usually for financial gain.In 2014, CryptoLocker and the “Regin” Trojan made big news, but they still fell some way short of the havoc caused by the most damaging computer … Computer Virus Information: What Do Viruses Do? | Webroot