How To Reset Your Computer's Gateway Ip Address

IPアドレスとゲートウェイアドレスを一時的に変更する方法知らなかった。 初歩的なことばっかだけどメモ。 なんとなく恒久的に変える方法も載っけてみた。 引数はそれぞれの環境によって変えてください。 IPアドレス (一時的に変える場合) # ifconfig eth0 netmask 255.25… 4.6. Configuring the Default Gateway Red Hat Enterprise The default gateway is determined by the network scripts which parse the /etc/sysconfig/network file first and then the network interface ifcfg files for interfaces that are “ up ”. The ifcfg files are parsed in numerically ascending order, and the last GATEWAY directive to be read is used to compose a default route in the routing table. networking - Default gateway gone after restart pi@raspberry:~ $ route -n Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 202 0 0 eth0 If I run sudo dhclient or route add default gw the default route is added and I can hit WAN no problem. But … How to change ip, default gateway? - CentOS Jul 17, 2008

11.4. Static Routes and the Default Gateway Red Hat

Oct 11, 2009

raspbian - Static local IP/gateway config on startup

Configuring a static IP address/mask and default gateway