Problem resolved: 12209 The ISA Server and http status

Posts: 216 Joined: 9.Mar.2004 Status: offline If you're sure that the 403 forbidden errors are coming from ISA, perhaps the client is making a request as a firewall client, rather than a web proxy client. Ubuntu Software Center unable to Access the Web Proxy filter. ( The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied. ) And i am connected to internet via same computer 12-26-2009, 10:25 AM #2: repo. LQ 5k Club . Registered: May 2001. Location: Belgium. Distribution: Arch. Posts: 8,528 As discussed in the introduction, a 407 Proxy Authentication Required indicates that the client has failed to provide proper authentication credentials to a proxy server that is a node (i.e. connection) between the client and the primary web server accepting the original request. The remote server returned an unexpected response: (407) Proxy Authentication Required ( Forefront TMG requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied. ). ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() Log type: Web Proxy (Forward) Status: 12209 Forefront TMG requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied. Rule: Internet Access: Source: Internal ( Destination: External ( Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied. exception at console so how to tackle this issue. Note: our network has proxy server. Answers: I recognize I am a little late to the party here, and this question, however, I was having the exact same problem. @FK82 indicated the right solution and I wanted to document it, as I've tried it and it works. Denied Connection Log type: Web Proxy (Forward) Status: 12209 The ISA server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied Rule: ***** (edited out for privacy reasons) Source: Internal (*.*.*.*) edited out for privacy reasons Destination: Extrernal (*.*.*.*) edited out for privacy reasons

Cntlm Authentication Proxy / Discussion / Help: 407 Proxy

Jun 27, 2019 How to use wget behind a TMG proxy? - Ask Ubuntu

Configuring the F5 BIG-IP as an Explicit Forward Web Proxy

Configuring the F5 BIG-IP as an Explicit Forward Web Proxy Create a Custom URL Filter. Navigate to Access > Secure Web Gateway > URL Filter and click Create. Specify a URL Filter name. Click Finished; Once the page refreshes, you will be presented with a page to Allow or Deny URL categories. For demo purposes only, select the check in the first column as shown in the screenshot below. A parent's guide to Linux Web filtering - Jul 01, 2004